Tag Archives: endangered

Endangered Species Act

Modernize or maintain – What is the best way to improve the Endangered Species Act?

The Endangered Species Act should be tweaked and improved. But not by this Administration.

Top 5 environmental success stories of 2016

From ocean protections to climate action to eco-activism, 2016 was a big year for the environment.

Protecting the pangolin – Can name recognition save species?

How the world banded together to protect the world’s most trafficked mammal.


Frogs and the chytrid fungus – What is the best way to control wildlife diseases?

The mechanisms behind emerging diseases are often poorly understood, and the path forward towards recovery is often unclear. Is it possible to effectively fight wildlife epidemics and save endangered species?


9 conservation success stories made possible by flagship species

With so many species and ecosystems in dire need of protection, which ones are the most important to save? Do popular iconic species have more conservation value than a obscure ones?


Luca Berardi the conservation champion – Saving the world at twelve years old

At the age of eight, Luca Berardi founded an environmental organization after reading about endangered animals in a library book. Four years later, he is making a name for himself in the world of wildlife conservation.


Using drones to improve orangutan conservation

Scouring the forests of Sumatra with a fleet of drones, researchers have uncovered valuable data that could help to protect the imperiled orangutan


The monarch butterfly’s highway to recovery

Monarch butterfly populations have plummeted due to habitat loss, illegal logging, parasites and climate change. With the future of their spectacular migration in jeopardy, is there any hope for a monarch recovery?


Why is Ringling Bros. retiring its circus elephants early?

The largest circus in the United States announced that it will retire all of its performing elephants. How has the animal rights movement changed public perception of large performing animals?


8 creative ways to reduce human-wildlife conflict

Conflict often arises when the needs of animals are pitted against those of growing human populations. For scientists, the obvious answer to reducing human-wildlife conflict is…chili powder, bees, and strobe lights?